9 outstanding Black women honored during Sisters Saving Ourselves Now leadership luncheon
Economic & Health Symposium Seeks to Improve the State of Black Women
Gateway Medical Society and Sisters Saving Ourselves Now teamed up to
address the needs of Black Women through the Black Women’s Economic & Health
Symposium on Saturday, July 16, 2022. Here are videos/interviews from that event.

Black Women in Politics
Rev. Dr. Judith Moore Appears on the Lynn Hayes-Freeland Show

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Pittsburgh-Mon Valley Black Women's Roundtable Formulates an Advisory Board
After hosting a successful Solutions Forum in the spring of 2020, organizers of The Pittsburgh – Mon Valley Black Women’s Roundtable are formulating an Advisory Board. “The forum was successful,” says Reverend Dr. Judith C. Moore executive director and founder of the organization. “While moving forward, organizing for next steps based on the outcomes of the forum and planning to implement actionable steps having an advisory board is a logical first step.”
The Policy Statement of the Pittsburgh-Mon Valley Black Women Roundtable is to: promote public policies that ensure stable families and a prepared workforce for today and tomorrow. BWR believes that there must be intentional efforts, including program development, funding, staffing, administrative practice and rule of law to ensure genuine equity — especially for Black women and their communities, low income communities and others that have been traditionally left out of the policymaking arena.
Though in the planning stages, the proposed purpose of the advisory board members is for them to be instrumental resources and consultants for the organization’s ability to provide locally relevant and effective programs.
Advisory Board members should be familiar with and a strong belief in the BWR policy statement, purpose, programs and goals; • Positively promote the work of the organization and advocate for its interests; • Attend advisory board quarterly meetings; • Make recommendations regarding programming or outreach as requested; • Provide advice and support to the regional convenor; • Serve on a working committee if at all possible * assist in fundraising and grant submission; • Review agendas, minutes and other documentation when distributed in order to stay familiar with the organization; • Whenever possible, attend or volunteer at BWR events.
To get involved with The Pittsburgh – Mon Valley Black Women’s Roundtable or to become an advisory board member contact us at: sson3600did@gmail.com or (412) 427-8994.
Black Women’s Roundtable
BWR comprises a diverse group of Black women civic leaders of international, national, regional and state-based organizations and institutions. Together, the BWR membership represents the issues and concerns of millions of Americans and families who live across the United States and around the world. Click the BWR logo below to learn more.
Black Women’s Roundtable Confirms It’s The Year Of The Black Woman, And We Are More Powerful Than Ever
Rev. Dr. Judith Moore was quoted in a recent article on the Back Woman’s Roundtable.

Sisters & Friends Getaway
Attendance at the Sisters & Friends Getway has included women from around the country – all ages and stages in life! Activities included an early morning dip in the ocean, line-dancing, yoga, bike riding, night out at the club, motivational speakers and workshops, book discussions, shopping, sightseeing and hanging out with the locals.
Rev. Dr. Judith Moore Empowers Women at FINAL Sisters & Friends Getwaway to Martha’s Vineyard, With Focus on New Book
Rev. Dr. Judith C. Moore, a retired AME pastor and author of Read It Again is committed to inspiring women and girls to live their best lives. That is why she was pleased to participate in the FINAL Sisters & Friends Getaway to Martha’s Vineyard, which took place September 16 – 22, 2018. Rev. Dr. Moore conducted a session on her new book Read it Again during the Sisters & Friends Getaway.
During this unforgettable week, sisterfriends shared personal and professional challenges, experiences, and advice to maintain meaningful life balance. They cultivated physical, mental and spiritual health, and friendship circles. They focused on topics such as how to have a meaningful impact in the community, as well as relaxed conversations to help them embrace their own womanpower.
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